Our Story

What We Do
And How We Do It
We thoughtfully support community-minded, change-driven people & projects in order to help them engage, educate and empower more effectively. SEIZE worthy strives to specifically serves those who give back or inspire. We help folks with bold, meaningful stories define, refine & amplify their messages through Brand Messaging, Copywriting, Content Creation & Coaching, plus other services and strategy. Connection and authenticity are woven into the way we work.

Who We Serve
Change-driven CEOs, coaches, creators and communities are our ideal clients. We’re partial to trailblazers and big fans of triumph amidst challenges. Whether it’s work that directly furthers a worthy cause – or an everyday business being run by someone with an extraordinary story – folks who embody messages of representation, imagination, and motivation are who we champion. We’ve been proud to do this since 2012.

Why It Matters
Women, people of color and other traditionally under-resourced founders are going for it in business and community these days. All out, no stops, nothing held back. As they do, they are shaping and reshaping the landscape of cultures and marketplaces the world over . . . BUT . . . something is missing.
With an abundance of passion, and talent & drive to spare, the change-makers and do-betters of the world persist. SEIZE worthy exists to support them in their efforts by helping them to better connect to audiences, clients, customers and opportunities with defined, refined and amplified messages that authentically capture the “heart behind the how”.